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Robin Vol. 4 #011


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Prodigal’ part 4, continued from DETECTIVE COMICS #679. Tim tries to get his life back on track by going to talk with his estranged girlfriend Ariana. But when Two-Face goes on a killing spree, the Dynamic Duo must leap into action! Continued in BATMAN #513.

Two-Face makes the first strike in his attempt in his grand scheme by killing a gathering of lawyers. His scheme is revealed to be an attempt to clog Gotham’s legal system, which will leave the rest of the city open and unprepared for further strikes. Batman (Dick Grayson) and Robin are made aware of Two-Face’s actions and prepare to confront him, which causes Dick to become self-conscious, hoping not to repeat the mistakes of his past. Meanwhile, Tim attempts to pick up the pieces of his life which has been falling apart lately by going to talk to his estranged girlfriend.

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