X-Men Vol. 1 Annual #14



“You Must Remember This”

Continued from X-Factor Annual #5. The Days of Future Present come to an end. Storm and Gambit make it back to Xavier’s mansion and join the fight against Ahab and his hounds. The problem: Cyclops and the Invisible Woman are now hounds and on the search for Rachel and Franklin. After the dust settles, Franklin discovers his true identity. Extreme measures are then taken to ensure that the present stays as it was with hopes that the future can be more than it has been painted to be.

“The Fundamental Things”

A supplement to the first story, Rachel and Franklin get a master’s course in the adage “with great power comes great responsibilities” from Wolverine.

This annual also has two art pieces included at the end, including an alternate cover for this issue (shown right).

Note: Gambit makes his first published appearance in this book, although this issue happens after Uncanny X-Men #266.

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