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X-Men Vol. 1 Annual #07 Newsstand Edition


The Impossible Man unleashes his unique brand of chaos in the Marvel Office…and the X-Men are in fast pursuit! Plus, what’s become of Zabu, Ka-Zar’s sabretooth tiger? Professor X and his band of mutants seek answers- and take names!

Impossible Man goes on a scavenger hunt for great swag on Earth, and the X-Men (whose mansion they took), go after him. They go after him while he caught Nick Fury’s eyepatch, Ka-Zar’s sabretooth Zabu, Wasp’s cloths from inside the Avengers Mansion, Doctor Strange’s window and the black queen’s robe from Emma Frost’s room. Then the X-Men follow him into Marvel Publisher Buildings.

In the end, they manage to talk to him, and convince him he was doing harm. His fellow Poppurians were also collecting on other planets, and an armada comes for vengeance. Lilandra diffuses the situation by offering to judge the scavenger hunt, and so long as the items are returned as they were. Impossible Man doesn’t win the scavenger hunt, and thus is not the leader of his people.


Newsstand Edition

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