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Wolverine Vol. 1 #3 Newsstand Edition


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Wolverine has a friend in Yukio – they’re both born rebels… thrill-seekers. But when the Hand strikes at Wolverine, he realizes he won’t be at peace until he finds the man responsible for his attack!

The story begins with a drunk Wolverine fighting against Takahashi, a sumo wrestler, in a bar, being watched by Yukio. Outside the bar, Asano Kimura, a member of Japanese secret service waiting for Wolverine. He asks for help but Wolverine denies. Yukio kisses Wolverine. The Hand orders Yukio to kill Wolverine, but she denies and attacks them instead. When Yukio awakes Wolverine he calls her Mariko (he was dreaming with her calling him an animal) and then Yukio kicks him unconscious. Later Wolverine learns that Yukio had killed Asano, and that she works for Lord Shingen and goes after her. Wolverine is ambushed by The Hand but manages to escape, but Yukio also run away after killing some ninjas.

Newsstand Edition

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