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Who Are the Power Pals? #1 (COVER B) (Matt Kindt)


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Comic Script by: Duane Murray
Illustrated by:  Ahmed Raafat

Cover Design or Artwork by: Matt Kindt

Washed-up actors Derek and Alex have been best friends ever since playing teen superheroes “Swallow” and “Buzzard” in the ’90s TV show Power Pals. Wait, you’ve never heard of it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone; it was canceled after three episodes. But that small taste of fame left them hungry for more, and they’ve been trying to get back on the Hollywood train ever since. After being fired from their studio security jobs and dropped by their agent, the middle-aged pair decide to don their old costumes, and thrust themselves back into the public eye, walking the Hollywood Boulevard alongside the popular cosplayers. When a video of the duo defending tourists from being badgered by a pair of rip-off characters goes viral, the attention inspires them to fight more crime. But when their low-level crime-fighting inadvertently disrupts the plans of a crazed crime boss, their friendship will undergo the ultimate test, and it, or they, may not survive long enough to enjoy their new found fame.

• Writer, actor, and producer Duane Murray brings his talents to Dark Horse!

• Illustrated by the acclaimed UK based, Egyptian comic book artist, Ahmed Raafat.

• A buddy comedy chock-full of ’90s nostalgia.

• Four issue series.

FOC: 02/10/2025

On Sale 03/19/2025

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