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Web Of Spider-Man Vol. 1 #003


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Even iron bars cannot contain the Vulture, as Adrian Toomes pulls off a wily prison break…followed by a mad dash for the Vulturions! Spidey intervenes when Vulture’s mad quest over intellectual property takes off on a dangerous course.

We begin with the Vulture in prison reading about the exploits of the Vulturians. He’s not happy and escapes immediately (literally just like that) vowing to kill them all.

He soon catches up with them after yet another robbery and gives them a bit of a hiding back at their base.

Meanwhile, Pete and MJ are having a lunch date. They are discussing him dropping out of college and how badly Aunt May took it. The vulture and Vulturians’ fight overspills into the restaurant though and so Peter quickly changes into the web-slinger and all three parties venture out onto the street for a three-way battle.

After a bit of his own bad luck (courtesy of the Black Cat which is examined in later issues) Pete is beaten by the Vulturians/Vulture and collapses unconscious on top of a building.

The next morning, MJ comes round to Pete’s and is upset at the beating he has taken. She does tell him to make up with Aunt May though.

As the mail arrives at May’s, she sees there’s nothing from Peter and is upset but Spidey swings by and leaves the hat (from issue 2) on her doorstep with a note, before ringing the doorbell. Our final scene is of May getting the present and saying thanks while Pete (as Spidey) looks on from a nearby tree.

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