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Warlock And The Infinity Watch #01 Direct Edition


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After saving the universe from Thanos and ultimately acquiring his prize, the Infinity Gauntlet, Adam Warlock finds himself on trial, judged by the very cosmic beings who supported him in the conflict.

The Aftermath of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Following the events from the Infinity Gauntlet miniseries, Adam Warlock maintains posession of the six Infinity Gems and has the combined might of a demi-god. This issue deals with the case brought before the Living Tribunal initiated by Eternity wherein he claims that an artificial being like Adam Warlock who has had a brief, but tumultus past, is unfit for weilding the vast power currently in his grasp. After a confrontation, the Living Tribunal agrees with Eternity and Adam Warlock is sentenced to distribute the six Infinity Gems among five other individuals, retaining the Soul Gem for himself, and also the Living Tribunal decrees that the Infinity Gems may never be used in unison again unless Eternity himself wills it. So begins a great cosmic series by writer extraordinare, Jim Starlin.

Direct Edition
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