Venom: The Madness #2



Venom wakes up to a strange being attempting to merge with him after being exposed to a vat of ‘sentient’ mercury.

When Venom awoke he discovered that the weird substance that he had landed in was trying to become one with him. He welcomed it, saying, “Venom has room in his head for more than one creep!” He learned that the creature had its own will, and he mentally forced it to think like he did, making his mission (to protect the innocent) and his mind the dominant one. Venom emerged from the pool drastically changed. He was much bigger, had two more pairs of arms and had several small Venom-like heads on his shoulders.

Somewhere else, three beings, Paranoia, Necromancer and Dusk, discussed some sort of secret plan they had for Venom. Paranoia’s job soon became obvious. Her face appeared in Eddie Brock’s dream and the next day, he started acted crazy. A friend of his joked that the president of a certain corporation was evil, and Eddie, believing that the man was actually evil, turned into Venom and went after him. Venom found the corporation offices and watched as a janitor cleaned the president’s room. She sat in his chair and pretended she was him and Venom, seeing thins, decided she was the president and killed her!

That night he had more crazy dreams about Spider-Man, aliens and insanity. He went over to his girlfriend’s house to talk but things got out of hand. While they were talking, the suit (controlled by the virus he had picked up) forced him to try to have sex with her, and it even started to cover him while he did so. Eddie controlled the suit, but only for a moment. It came back stronger than ever, telling Eddie to bond with her like another symbiote. While he was trying to “bond” with her, Juggernaut attacked. Venom transformed back into the six-armed, multi-headed version he had recently acquired. He knocked Juggernaut around but Juggernaut was able to push him back and Venom fell into an opening in reality that had just appeared behind him.

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