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Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #070


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  1. Jimmy Olsen’s Boo Boos! (Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Superman Revenge Squad, Jimmy Olsen Fan Club, Kryptonite / written by Jerry Siegel)

At a Jimmy Olsen Fan Club meeting in Smallville, Jimmy accidentally exposes Superman to Kryptonite, was it an accident or is there someone behind it?

  1. The Human Robot! (Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Kryptonite)

Jimmy is transported to Venus. The Venusians say he will turn to stone if they don’t operate on him and turn him into a robot. Is this the case or are they up to something?

  1. Little Pete (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  2. The Secret of Silver Kryptonite! (Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Lois Lane, Perry White, Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris, Supergirl, Kandorian Look-a-Like Squad, Silver Kryptonite)

How will Silver Kryptonite affect Superman?

  1. Varsity Vic (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
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