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Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #012


1 in stock


  1. Jimmy Olsen, Prince of Clowns (Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Perry White / written by Otto Binder) Jimmy becomes a substitute clown for a boy whose father doesn’t believe in him. Can Jimmy make the boy’s dad believe his son is qualified?
  2. Shorty (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  3. The Secret of Dinosaur Island (Jimmy Olsen, Superman / written by Otto Binder)
  4. It’s Fun to Belong! (public service message by Binky / written by Jack Schiff)
  5. The State Trooper in Action (full text article by John Maxon)
  6. Little Pete (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  7. The Invisible Jimmy Olsen (Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Perry White, Lois Lane, Daily Planet / written by Otto Binder)

Superman: I’ve searched everywhere, Perry– and I can’t find a trace of Jimmy Olsen!

Jimmy Olsen (invisible): But, Superman– I’m right here!… Oh, what’s the use! I’m trapped in the 4th dimension–and nobody can see or hear me!


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