1. The Invisible Lois Lane! (Lois Lane, Superman, Perry White, Professor Potter) —
2. Varsity Vic (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff) —
3. Lois Lane’s Signal Watch! (Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Perry, Supergirl) —
4. Touchdown for Picasso! (public service message : even football players can appreciate fine art) —
5. The Girl Who Refused to Marry Superman! (Lois Lane, Superman, Lana Lang, Jimmy, Perry, red Kryptonite) —
6. Jerry Jitterbug (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
Superman: Lois and Lana… a freak accident has taken away my super-powers and made me an invalid! Now that I’ll be an ordinary man for life, I’m sure neither of you will want to marry me!
1st woman (Lois or Lana): You’ll never be ordinary to me! You’ll always be you, the man I love! I’ll marry you!
2nd woman (Lois or Lana): I’ll be honest with you, Superman! Without your super-powers, I wouldn’t dream of marrying you!
“Featuring a modern lady or the tiger puzzle! Can you guess… ‘The Girl Who Refused to Marry Superman!'”