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Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #035


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  1. Cover by Kurt Schaffenberger.
  2. The Amazing Brian Machine!” (Lois Lane, Superman, Lana Lang, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Professor Potter)
  3. Lois Lane’s Other Life!” (Lois Lane, Superman, Lana Lang, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen)
  4. The Fantastic Wigs of Mr. Dupre!” (Lois Lane, Perry White, Supergirl)

Lana Lang: Now hear this, thinking machine! Superman is over 6 feet tall … he has eyes of blue … here is his picture … and he wears this cape! Now analyze these factors and tell me how I can become — Mrs. Superman!

Lois Lane (thought): That infernal thinking machine never fails! It will solve Lana Lang’s problem in a moment … and she’ll win Superman for keeps!

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