- When Superman Abandoned Lois Lane! (Lois Lane, Superman, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, with guest stars Krypto, Aquaman, Topo) —
- The Secret of the Happy Pig! (public service message from Peter Porkchops) —
- Cab Ride (Professor Eureka : gag strip by Henry Boltinoff) —
- Superman’s Secret Family! (Lois, Superman, Perry, Krypto, Superman Robot) —
- Varsity Vic (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff) —
- The Robot Paradise! (part 2 of the story started in “Superman’s Secret Family!”)
Mermaid boy: Mommy! Daddy’s come home!
Mermaid woman: Hello Superman, my darling husband!
Lois Lane (thought): Oh no! Professor Burke’s super-telescope reveals that Superman is living a secret life on a distant planetoid! He has a mermaid wife and a mermaid son there! No wonder he won’t marry me!