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Superman Vol. 1 #156


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  1. Cover by Curt Swan and George Klein.
  2. The Last Days of Superman!” written by Edmond Hamilton, penciled by Curt Swan and inked by George Klein.
  3. Part I: “Superman’s Death Sentence!
  4. Jerry the Jitterbug gag strip by Henry Boltinoff.
  5. Part II: “The Super-Comrades of All-Time!
  6. Shorty gag strip by Henry Boltinoff.
  7. Part III: “Superman’s Last Day of Life!


Superman is dying and from quarantine he arranges for Supergirl, The Legion of Super Heroes and Lori Lemaris to carry out heroic deeds he can no longer perform. As he leaves a message for the whole world (engraved on the moon via his heat vision) hope of a cure appears. Who is the carrier of this hope, and has Superman just revealed his true identity to the world, by etching it on the moon?

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