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Superman: The Man Of Steel #018


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Superman continues to fight the Underworlders. With the help of Keith Robert Parks and Charlie, will he be able to bring them all down? Plus, Doomsday continues to try to break free! Will he finally escape?

Despite the title Doomsday does very little in this issue. He does however break out of his underground tomb and kills a little yellow bird. Later he breaks down an overpass. and at the end of the issue he flips over a semi truck.

The main story is about underworld monsters who try and take over Metropolis. Lois has an informant named Charlie who lets her in on whats going on. In typical fashion the monsters capture her. Lucky for Lois a little orphan boy named Keith sees the monsters take her away. He uses glow in the dark paint to signal Superman who saves the day and rescues Lois.


  • Triangle 1992 #45.
  • Doomsday story continues in Justice League America #69.
  • Chronological continuation from Action Comics #683.
  • Chronological continuation in Superman #74.
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