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Superman Family #164


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  1. Cover by Nick Cardy.
  2. Death Bites with Fangs of Stone” “S.O.S. Comes in Colors” (part II)(Jimmy Olsen) written by Leo Dorfman, penciled and inked by Kurt Schaffenberger.
  3. Brainiac’s Blitz!” reprinted from Action Comics #339.
  4. The Super Star of Hollywood!” reprinted from Adventure Comics #272.
  5. The Gift-Wrapped Doom” (Jimmy Olsen) written by Leo Dorfman, penciled and inked by Kurt Schaffenberger.
  6. The Death March!” reprinted from Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #76.
  7. The Three Wives of Superman!” reprinted from Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #51.
  8. How the Artists Draw the Superman Family” three page featuring Curt Swan drawing various headshots and poses of Jimmy Olsen, Ma and Pa Kent, Krypto and Lois Lane.


  • First issue of the series, which continued from Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #163.

DC’s 100 page Super Spectaculars were proving popular, so DC said goodbye to the “Supergirl,” “Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen,” and “Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane” titles and housed the characters together in “The Superman Family.” Continuing the numbering from where “Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen” left off, the series featured classic reprints with new tales in the lead spot. The series 100 page format was short lived, and its characters would come and go, but “Superman Family” became a strong title, which lasted 8 years and 59 issues.

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