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Superboy Vol. 1 #165


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Some important days in Superboy’s history

  1. The Super-Dog of Krypton! (written by Otto Binder : reprinted from Adventure Comics #210) The first appearance of Krypto
  2. Superboy’s Last Day (written by Bill Finger : reprinted from Adventure Comics #251)
  3. The Girl Who Saw the Future Superboy! (written by Jerry Coleman : reprinted from Superboy #90)
  4. The Phantom Superboy (written by Robert Bernstein : reprinted from Adventure Comics #283)
  5. The Death of Ma and Pa Kent (reprinted from Superman #161 with some moderations)
  6. Superboy’s Time Trips (full text article by E. Nelson Bridwell)
  7. The Origin of the Superboy Revenge Squad
  8. The Phantom Zone Criminals
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