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Superboy Vol. 1 #106


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  1. “The Great Superboy Hoax!” in two parts: a. The Great Superboy Hoax! b. The Ordeal of Pete Ross! (starring Superboy, Krypto, Pete Ross, Ma and Pa Kent, Lana Lang, Phantom Zone Criminals, Superboy Revenge Squad, Kryptonite / written by Edmond Hamilton) Can Superboy and Krypto convince Pete Ross that the was killed by the Superboy Revenge Squad? Superboy wants to see if Pete is a worthy successor.
  2. The Lair of Brainiac!” “Untold Tale of Superbaby” (Superbaby, Superboy, Jor- El, Lara, Ma and Pa Kent, Brainaic, Koko, Krypto (cameo) written by Jerry Siegel, penciled by Curt Swan and inked by George Klein. Reprinted in The Superman Family #167. Brainiac kidnaps Kal-El to get one of Jor-El’s inventions for ransom. But will this baby be too much for him to handle?
  3. Peg (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
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