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Superboy Vol. 1 #105


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  1. Not Wanted: High School Dropouts! (public service message)
  2. The Simpleton of Steel! (Superboy, Lana Lang, Police Chief Parker, Red Kryptonite / written by Jerry Siegel)

Some crooks take advantage of the fact that Red Kryptonite has made Superboy stupid, or did it?

  1. Super-Turtle (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  2. The Day Baby Lana Became “Super” (Super Baby, Lana Lang, Lewis Lang, Ma and Pa Kent / written by Jerry Siegel)

In this “untold tale of Superboy” Lewis, Lana’s dad, thinks she got super powers from a figurine.

  1. The Superdog That Was Greater Than Krypto! (Superboy, Krypto, Ma and Pa Kent, Pete Ross / written by Jerry Siegel : reprinted in: Superboy #174 – A Super-Collection of Super-Animals!)

Krypto becomes jealous of a dog that Superboy rescued and gave powers to.

  1. Shorty (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
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