- The Amazing Tots of Smallville! (Super Baby, Ma and Pa Kent, Lana and Lewis Lang, Pete Ross, Lex Luthor / written by Jerry Siegel : reprinted in: Superboy #182)
An “untold tale” of Superboy. Can Superbaby and the other kids (Lana, Pete, and Lex) break up a bootlegging gang?
- Touchdown for Picasso! (starring Stan and Biff Drake : a public service message / written by Jack Schiff)
- Lem ‘n’ Lime (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
- Ollie (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
- The Secret of Krypton’s Scarlet Jungle! (Superboy, Ma and Pa Kent, Police Chief Parker, Jax-Ur, other Phantom Zone residents / written by Jerry Siegel : reprinted in: Four Star Spectacular #2)
See cover. A Kryptonian thought beast comes to Earth, and it’s more powerful than Superboy!