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Superboy Vol. 1 #102


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  1. The Amazing Tots of Smallville! (Super Baby, Ma and Pa Kent, Lana and Lewis Lang, Pete Ross, Lex Luthor / written by Jerry Siegel : reprinted in: Superboy #182)

An “untold tale” of Superboy. Can Superbaby and the other kids (Lana, Pete, and Lex) break up a bootlegging gang?

  1. Touchdown for Picasso! (starring Stan and Biff Drake : a public service message / written by Jack Schiff)
  2. Lem ‘n’ Lime (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  3. Ollie (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  4. The Secret of Krypton’s Scarlet Jungle! (Superboy, Ma and Pa Kent, Police Chief Parker, Jax-Ur, other Phantom Zone residents / written by Jerry Siegel : reprinted in: Four Star Spectacular #2)

See cover. A Kryptonian thought beast comes to Earth, and it’s more powerful than Superboy!

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