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Superboy Vol. 1 #094


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  1. The Superboy Revenge Squad (Superboy, Pete Ross, Lana Lang, Ma Kent, Superboy Revenge Squad : reprinted in: DC 100-Page Super Spectacular #21 – Superboy)

Why does Superboy hypnotize himself to get amnesia for a day? Why is Pete disguised as Superboy?

  1. Varsity Vic (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  2. Shorty (gag strip by Henry Boltinoff)
  3. The Secret of the Happy Pig! (public service message by Peter Porkchops / written by Jack Schiff)
  4. The Boy of Steel’s Super-Initiation! (Superboy, Lana Lang, Krypto)

Can Clark Kent pass fraternity initiations tasks that the president makes nearly impossible so Clark can’t join?

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