(W) Dan Slott (A/CA) Phil Jimenez
In his way to Aunt May’s party with her birthday’s cake, Peter is nearly run down by Overdrive in a black hopped-up sports car. Tagging the car with a spider-tracer and webbing the cake to a ledge, Spidey pursues. Mr Negative, Overdrive’s employer, contacts him as Spidey rips off the car’s roof to discover that Overdrive, a Spidey fan, is carrting a colection of Spidey collectibles. NYPD veteran Alan O’Neil with rookie partner Vin Gonzales are in hot pursuit. At the Bugle, Betty Brant informs Jonah Jameson and Joe Robertson that, after months of absence, Spider-Man is back. At the Bar With No Name, the Bookie offers odds to super-villains on Overdrive’s chances against Spidey. As Overdrive causes an SUV to crash, Jackpot steps in to save a bystander. Spidey lands on O’Neil and Gonzales’s car, directing them into a broadside of Overdrive’s car, forcing him off a bridge. Securing the car with webbing, Spidey retrieves May’s cake but can’t free it until the webbing dissolves. When May returns home from her party, she finds Peter asleep on the couch.