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Robin Vol. 1 #1


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Tim Drake heads to Paris to study under the Tibetan, Rahul Lama, then finds himself in a brawl with the Ghost Dragons gang in “Big Bad World.”

Tim Drake doubts that he can handle stepping up into the role of the new Robin. Batman suggests he spend some time in Paris, studying under Rahul Lama, a master in martial arts and healing techniques. Lama’s grandson, Shen Chi, takes Tim for a night out on the town; and, Tim meets up with a girl. The girl is mixed up with a gang. Tim goes to save the girl as Robin and finds a man named Clyde Rawlins being beaten by the gang. He tries to save the man, but finds himself overwhelmed by the gang. The issue ends with Lady Shiva watching the fight from the shadows.


  • Reprinted in Robin: A Hero Reborn #1.
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