Marek Slavik, from the Bureau of Scientific Records in Russia is devastated by the death of his son, Tomas, at the hands of Americans. He swears vengeance on Americans! He sends his secretary, Maladi Malanova, to New York, one month before her wedding, but he promises her she doesn’t need to worry about missing it.
F.B.I. agent King Faraday asks the Teen Titans to investigate the arrival of Leonid Kovar, the original Starfire, a Russian hero, who had come to the U.S. in secret on an unknown mission for his country. The Titans discover that Leonid is trying to kill Maladi., because she is spreading a deadly plague.
Leonid says he was trying to put her out of pain. After Maladi dies in a hospital, free of pain, Wally accuses Leonid that he would have killed her and that he was a “cold fish”. Leonids says he volunteered because they were engaged, and that this day was the day they were to be married.
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