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Metal Men Vol. 1 #54


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After storming out on the Metal Men, yet again, Platinum is surprised that, this time, the team has followed her. Gold convinces Platinum that the other Metal Men have taken her side, in breaking away from their creator, Doctor William Magnus. It’s time for the Metal Men to forge their own path in the world. After finishing his shift on monitor duty, Green Lantern returns to Earth, and recharges his ring. A Guardian of The Universe appears before him, alerting him to the threat of the Missile Men. The Missile Men have been hopping from planet to planet, stealing all metal resources, on their way to Earth. The Green Lantern of Sector 2435 has already fallen in combat with the Missile Men. In his laboratory complex, Magnus breaks the news to General Henry Caspar that the Metal Men have abandoned Magnus. Undeterred, Magnus has already created a new automaton for the United States Military. Caspar, though, believing the Metal Men to be the property of the military, decides to reclaim the Metal Men.

The Metal Men arrive in New York, via Jetaway. As they come in for a landing, at a heli-port, Mercury and Lead begin to squabble, resulting in Mercury’s head “exploding”. An incoming helicopter suddenly explodes. The Metal Men swing into action. Platinum casts herself as a net to catch any falling civilians. With Lead anchoring him, Iron hooks the helicopter, and brings it down on the heli-port. With the crisis over, Mercury has time to reflect on how useless he was during the rescue. Green Lantern tracks the Missile Men to Earth’s Moon. The Metal Men find lodging in New York City. Gold advances six months worth of rent, by shaving coins off his body. As the Metal Men settle in, Platinum dreams of all the things she’ll be able to cook in the kitchen. When Gold asks her who she’ll be cooking for, Platinum breaks down sobbing. Once again, Platinum’s illusion of being a “real girl” has been shaken. Green Lantern is attacked by a Missile Man. Defeating the Missile Man, Green Lantern uses his ring to disguise himself as a Missile Man.

Infiltrating their gathering, Green Lantern listens in as the Missile Men’s leader, Z-1, outlines his plans. On a large monitor screen, Z-1, points to Platinum, declaring her his queen, who the Missile Men must also obey. Having seen enough, Green Lantern returns to Earth, to question the Metal Men. Unbeknownst to Green Lantern, Z-1 was aware of his presence the whole time. Z-1 transmits a beam to the Metal Men that alters their perceptions. Though Green Lantern only wants to talk to them, the Metal Men perceive him as a threat and attack. Believing the Metal Men are in league with the Missile Men, Green Lantern fights back. In short order, Green Lantern melts Mercury, shreds Platinum, rusts Iron, and blasts Lead. Gold, however, exploits Green Lantern’s ring’s weakness to the color yellow, or gold, and smothers the Emerald Gladiator. Gold and Tin suddenly realize that, having severed their association with Magnus, they no longer have a way of restoring the Metal Men, when they fall in battle. From his base on the Moon, Z-1 sees the defeat of his enemies, and laughs.

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