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Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 #026


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Super hero meets super-spy as the Thing joins forces with NICK FURY and S.H.I.E.L.D.! But will they be overwhelmed by the tech-wizardry of the FIXER and the mental power and control of MENTALLO?

Ben’s sitting in a pizza parlor, munchin’ on his third pie, wondering when Fury’s going to show. Suddenly, Fury’s on a stool beside him that wasn’t there a moment ago. Before Ben can get two words out, Dugan’s there on a stool on the other side. Just as quick, all three stools drop into the floor, dropping the three of them into the bowels of a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters…

After a quick trip through and a launch up to a helicarrier, Nick shows Ben some home movies of the Fixer and Mentallo. It seems both recently escaped, and for reasons unknown to S.H.I.E.L.D. (or to Ben) the two of them are gunning for the Thing.

Cut to the two villains, who were just waiting for Ben to hook up with Fury, as predicted by Mentalo’s visions. The two break into the helicarrier themselves, and, using the Fixer’s gadgets, take control of the brains of a squad of agents. Ben, Nick, and Dum Dum are in the control center when the fightin’ mad and controlled agents burst in, weapons blazing…

Note: This issue contains the Hostess Superhero Ad, Spider-Man! The Champ.


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