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Marvel Presents #01


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Introducing the world’s greatest hunter of monsters — ULYSSES BLOODSTONE! He has lived and hunted beasts for centuries, but will this be his last hunt?

When a “Creature of the Sea” came ashore and started to attack the docks, Ulysses Bloodstone arrived to take the monster down. After a short battle with it, he linked the monster’s agitation to a blind flutist whose playing seemed to be calling to it. Bloodstone then knocked the flutist unconscious and took him back to his apartment to recover from his wounds.

A while later, a mist exited the body of the flutist and formed the body of Possessor. The being attacked Bloodstone and the fight resumed in the streets. It ran into the the film crew of P.D.Q. Warner and Brad Carter and caused a halt in their filming. Possessor was finally able to successfully take Bloodstone down and seemingly kill him in front of a shocked Brad Carter.

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