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Marvel Premiere #17


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Harold Meachum wants Iron Fist dead, and he isn’t afraid to lay a few Kung Fu traps to get what he wants! Iron Fist goes after the man who placed a bounty on his head. Enter the Ninja, a mysterious hand-on-hand combatant who may prove an ally to Iron Fist!

Iron Fist invades the Meachum Building in search of its owner, and the man who put a bounty on his head, Harold Meachum. However, fearing for years that Danny would one day return, Meachum has rigged the building with all manner of death traps.

Iron Fist manages to best most of the traps with ease, however, one trap is deactivated with the help of a mysterious Ninja. Iron Fist breaks through a final door, only to be confronted by a villain named Triple-Iron, who has been waiting for Iron Fist in that room for 10 years, with the purpose of killing him.

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