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Magneto Dark Seduction #1


1 in stock


Six months have passed since Magneto fought side-by-side with Professor X and his Children of the Atom to rid the world of Apocalypse. In that time much has changed in the nation of Genosha, the island given to the rule of the Master of Magnetism. The fight against Apocalypse cost the world a huge price, one that has shaken not only the X-Men but their deadliest enemy as well. And now, those who once worshipped Magnus have betrayed everything that he’s fought for. A splinter group known as the Heretics appear to be powered by someone lurking in the shadows of the wartorn country, but who? Magneto’s salvation may lay with Polaris, but will it cost Lorna Dane her soul? And what happens when one of Magneto’s super-powered extended family joins the struggle?
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