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Last Avengers Story #2


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Time is running out on Hank Pym’s quest to find more heroes for the final desperate battle vs. Kang, Ultron-59, Oddball, and the Grim Reaper. Only Tommy, the son of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch, elects to join Hank’s cause. Sadly, the Vision still distraught over the tragic death of his wife years ago chooses to ignore Hank’s plea. So the Avengers’ last roster for battle is set: Cannonball, Bombshell, Hotshot, Jessie Wingfoot, Tommy, Hank, the Wasp, and the Human Torch. When the cataclysmic confrontation kicks off in Greenwich Village, Kang and Ultron-59 quickly gain the upper hand. Cannonball, Jessie, and Hotshot are among the first heroes to fall mortally wounded. And with just the aging heroes and Tommy left standing, hope and optimism give way to gloom and despair. But many times in their glorious history, the Avengers have come back from the brink! And when Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and the Vision enter the fray, momentum begins to shift! Can Earth’s Mightiest Heroes turn back the clock and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat? Avengers Assemble!

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