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JLA Vol. 1 #001


3 in stock


A group of aliens calling themselves the Hyperclan come to Earth professing to be galactic saviors. Having witnessed their home world suffer great ecological destruction, they seek to prevent the same thing from happening on other worlds. The general populace of Earth immediately ingratiate themselves to the Hyperclan, but members of the super-hero community have concerns over the team’s seeming generosity. To demonstrate their pledge to heal the Earth, the Hyperclan use their powers to turn the barren Sahara Desert into a veritable Eden.

The Hyperclan also lend their power to the cause of law enforcement. However, instead of incarcerating criminals, they execute them. This is also supported by the general public.

Before long though, the Hyperclan begin to take offensive action against those who might threaten their goals; specifically the Justice League. The Hyperclan ambush the League aboard their satellite, completely tearing through the sides of the structure. The escape shuttle pods are useless so Metamorpho encases the entire team and jettisons himself from the satellite before it explodes entirely. The League members survive the planet fall to Earth, but they all suffer severe injuries. Metamorpho is rendered inert, possibly dead. Afterward,Protex, leader of the Hyperclan erects a watchtower structure in the icy plains of Antarctica named Z’onn Z’orr.

Earth’s most potent super-heroes meet up at the old League Secret Society in Rhode Island. Realizing that the Hyperclan are a threat, they discuss new strategies. Batman arrives and tells them to prepare for war.

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