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JLA/Titans #3


1 in stock


Superman leads a strike team of several of the world’s strongest heroes – Big Barda, Orion, Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel, Jr., Mary Marvel, Guy Gardner, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, The Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman. They head to the moon to reclaim the Watchtower.

Raven teleports Dick, Donna, Wally, Garth, Roy and Gar to reach Vic’s soul to meet their thirty minute deadline.

The rest of the Titans and League join forces to deal with the natural disasters Victor is causing. Steel works on the Titan’s computer to receive Cyborg’s soul. Kyle uses his ring along with the material of Diana’s invisible jet to make a net; as the strike team moves the moon to prevent it from being pulled from it’s orbit.

In the Watchtower, Guy attempts to distract the drones as Barda, Orion and the Atom attempt to cause the New Genesis tech to repel from the Moon.

The Titans each talk to a different version of Vic, based on their perception, letting him know they are still his friends. Gar uses tough love in an effort to reach him. He uses Cyborg’s desires to pacify the Titans to have Vic’s father Silas Stone appear.

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