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JLA/Titans #2


1 in stock


Batman prepares to invade Titan’s island to free the Titans much to Orion’s disappointment. He’s furious, feeling the Dark Knight is putting the whole world at risk to rescue children. Raven and Beast Boy explain how Vic has come to this point, as Dick and Wally begin freeing all of the captive Titans. Above, J’onn links with Flash’s mind, as Superman destroys the force field imprisoning them below.

Orion and Barda then attempt to destroy the power source, despite Gar’s pleas it would destroy Vic’s soul. Superman declares that Vic is little more then a program. Flash sides with his Titan’s teammates to prevent that destruction. The battle between the Titans and JLA starts with Risk attacking Orion. Tempest blasts Aquaman. With the two teams engaged, Nightwing tries to reason with Batman. Cyborg sends pods to collect former Titans allies, to aid in the fight. Batman then agrees to give Nightwing a chance to reach Vic. The Caped Crusader stops the conflict between the two teams.

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