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Invaders Vol 1 #30


1 in stock


The Invaders must defend the UK from the Teutonic Knight and Der Fliegentod, the flying Death Machine!

The Invaders penetrate the defenses of the Teutonic Knight’s flying battleship, defeat him, rescue Dr.Barrow, and prevent the destruction of the town using their powers to land the damaged ship safely. During the battle, Teutonic Knight had revealed his attack was just a distraction to keep the town’s defenses occupied while the Blitzkrieg Squad were in position to capture the Prime Minister and North African Field Commander during a secret meeting they were holding elsewhere in the town. After the Invaders turn the Teutonic Knight over to military custody, they use the Atlantean jet’s tracking device to determine the location of the Blitzkrieg Squad based on the visual signal the Teuton inadvertently provided. They arrive just in time to defeat and capture the Blitzkrieg squad before any harm can come to Churchill or Montgomery.


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