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Incredible Hulk Vol. 1 #355


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Bruce Banner is talked into attending a movie convention by Marlo as she works as a booth model, where he attempts to warn Marlo of the dangers of being close to Joe. However she quickly accuses him of being simply jealous,with Bruce rushing back to Mr. Fixit’s penthouse before the night triggers his change.However upon changing he quickly is given control of Berengetti’s empire, hires Ben Grimm and various other heroes to work for him, meets Marlo and Betty who both agree to share him,runs over the Leader and begins to beat Banner who urges Hulk that he is being tricked.He then awakens back in his penthouse where he meets Glorian, and angrily throws him out the window. However Glorian quickly saves himself through use of a rainbow with Hulk pursuing him back to the convention center. He then beats him to death, as a horrified Marlo walks away realizing Bruce was right about Joe.
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