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Incognito #1


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From the creators of Criminal and Sleeper comes the most insane and evil super-villain comic you’ve ever read!
What if you were an ex-super villain hiding out in Witness Protection… but all you could think about were the days when the rules didn’t apply to you? Could you stand the toil of an average life after years of leaving destruction in your wake? And what if you couldn’t stand it? What would you do then?
INCOGNITO – a twisted mash-up of noir and super-heroics – by best-selling creators Ed Brubaker (The Death of Captain America) and Sean Phillips (Marvel Zombies) with Val Staples on colors.
And continuing Criminal’s single issue tradition, each issue of Incognito has more pages of story content, as well as articles on pulp and noir and behind the scenes looks!

Zack Overkill and his twin brother Xander were super-powered mercenaries.  They committed crimes for the money, not concerning themselves with any innocent deaths.  When Xander was killed, Zack testified against his boss and entered the Witness Protection plan.  As part of his parole, Zack must take drugs that suppresses his super powers.  Working as a mail clerk in an office, Zack is bored out of his mind.

When news of a freak tornado hit downtown, Zack knew things weren’t as they seemed.  Going to the scene, he recognized the signs of a battle that had been covered up with the explanation of a storm.  He couldn’t give in to the feeling of slipping away into a weak individual living a lie.  He decided to take drugs to cope with his mundane life.  A dealer had a drug that would hide the effects of drugs when tested.  Zack decided to float through life and laugh at the idiots.

Laughing to himself on his way to his car one day, a woman on her cell phone assumed he was laughing at her and her convesation.  She told  him off saying he was a loser that thought he was better than everyone.  Zack was pissed since she didn’t even know who he was.  To his amazement, he tore off the door to his car.  His powers were back.  It seemed the drug he was taking to cover his use was having a reaction with those the government made him take.

Zack decided to put on a mask and just roam the night.  Coming across a woman getting attacked in an alley, he decided to do something about it.  He didn’t care one way or the other for the woman but enjoyed the rush of excitement after taking part in a violent act in putting the guys down.  Zack felt stronger.  He always shared power with his brother.  Now it felt like he had inherited his dead brother’s power and had become stronger than ever. 

With this, the scientist responsible for performing the tests on Zack and Xander receives an alarm that “Project Overkill” has moved back to active status.

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