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Green Lantern Vol. 4 #46


BLACKEST NIGHT continues! For months, Mongul has wrested control of the Sinestro Corps. Now Sinestro wants a word with him. And Hal wants a word with Sinestro. But in the midst of BLACKEST NIGHT, they’ll all become the hunted as the fallen Sinestro Corps members rise. What will happen? Here’s a hint: Sinestro gets some serious payback.

Zamaron is attacked by the Black Lanterns, threatening to get to the Heart.

Sinestro and Carol are fighting against Black Lanterns, while Sinestro reminisces about Abin Sur’s prophecy of a darkness threatening the universe. Carol wants them to work together, but he refueses, clamining he only wants to free his own Corps members.

Hal is taken by the Indigo tribe to the same fight. He tells Carol how the Black Lanterns can be destroyed while she tells him why she is a Star Sapphire again. Sinestro joins them and they argue but the Indigo leader takes them away, just as the Zamaron predator is freed. The Black Lanterns are sent after them.

John Stewart goes into Xanshi.

The Indigo leader brings Hal, Carol and Sinestro to Korugar so that Sinestro can fight Mongul. Hal and Carol want to help him, but Sinestro insists that it is his fight. Mongul seems to have defeated him when Sinestro manipulates Mongul’s ring and brings him down. After reclaiming his Corps, he tells the others that he will lead the fight against the Black Lanterns. Then, a resurrected Abin Sur and Arin Sur crash on Korugar.

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