Firestar’s beginnings as a mutant, trained by…the White Queen!? Will the X-Men be able to get through to her before she becomes another one of Emma Frost’s deadly agents?
Angelica Jones rides a horse, Butter Rum, at the Massachusetts Academy. Jones’ handler, Randall, comes to take her to her next training session, with the White Queen. Jones arrives to witness the last few minutes of the Hellions’ training session. The White Queen, sorely disappointed in the Hellions’ performance, telepathically punishes them. The Hellions make note that Jones is a mutant, as they are. Jones begins her training session
The White Queen teaches Jones to control and harness her burgeoning mutant powers. The White Queen, however, also subliminally conditions Jones to respond aggressively towards the White Queen’s enemies, the X-Men. The Hellions await Jones, at the end of her training session. The Hellions invite Jones to a dance. Jones declines, however, on account of the White Queen deeming her powers too dangerous to fraternize with her fellow students.
Isolated, Jones weeps in despair, cursing the day she discovered that she was a mutant. At Professor Charles Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters, the New Mutants finish their daily training exercise. Xavier ponders the fate of Jones. The White Queen confers with the Black King of the Hellfire Club. The White Queen informs of Jones’ progress. Both agree that Jones should be groomed as an assassin. Jones’ bracelet, a gift from the White Queen, fills her dreams with images designed to instill hatred and fear within Jones
. Jones sees her fellow students signing up for the dance. Taunted by Manuel de la Rocha, for being standoffish, Jones begs the White Queen to let her attend the dance. The White Queen agrees, much to Randall’s surprise. Randall makes the mistake of foolishly questioning the White Queen’s judgment. Randall only avoids a horrific punishment, due to his relationship with Jones. The New Mutants request to attend the dance at the Massachusetts Academy.
Xavier is reluctant to send his students into the lion’s den. Wolverine flat out thinks it’s a terrible idea. Colossus, and Storm, however, champion the students’ social interest, offering to serve as chaperones. The horses are all removed from the stables, for a horse show. All, that is, save for Butter Rum, much to Jones’ delight. The White Queen exchanges veiled pleasantries with Colossus, and Storm. Roberta Da Costa encourages his friend, Samuel Guthrie, into asking Jones to dance.
The White Queen telepathically aids in bringing Guthrie and Jones together. Outside the dance hall, Guthrie and Jones share their first kiss. The White Queen telepathically scolds Jones for potentially placing Guthrie’s life in danger. Jones flees to the stable, where in her agitated state, she accidentally sets it on fire. Guthrie alerts his fellow students to the fire. Jones ushers Butter Rum to safety, only to see the horse suddenly die in front of her. Jones erroneously believes her powers responsible for killing her beloved Butter Rum.
In truth, the White Queen engineered the stable fire, and telepathically shut the horse’s heart down. The White Queen consoles and comforts Jones. Unbeknownst to the White Queen, she is observed by Guthrie.
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