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Fantastic Four Vs X-Men #2


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Tempers flare when the outlawed mutants become outraged at Reed Richard’s refusal to help Kitty Pryde! A depowered Storm takes a serious beating. Maybe Franklin Richards’ prophetic dreams hold a grain of truth?

After Mr. Fantastic refuses to help Shadowcat, Wolverine goes ballistic and attacks him, leading to a fight between X-Men and FF. The fight comes to a quick end, however, after Storm is accidentally yet badly injured by the Torch. The two groups are then joined by the fisherman saved by Dazzler and Longshot, who turns out to be a robot sent by Dr. Doom. It gives the X-Men the message that Doom is willing to help where the FF are not. Later, Reed is lost in thought about what’s wrong with him when he is attacked by the Thing. Sue has told the others about the journal. Reed reads the section which states something he cannot recall, namely that he had them irradiated by cosmic rays on purpose, intending for them to gain superpowers. Disgusted, Ben, Johnny and Jen leave and even Sue turns away from Reed. In the meantime, the X-Men accept Doom’s offer, no matter how high the price.

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