Wolverine and Captaina America encounter a commonm enemy – T.E.S.S.-One, Total Elimination of Super Soldiers was created by scientist Daniel Schumann and programmed to act as a failsafe in case the members of the Super Soldier project was abusing its powers.The robot is controled by a mutant named the Overrider who had technopathy abilities.
Overrider broke into Adametco- the nation’s leading manufacturer of adamantium and forced the workers there to provide TESS One with a coat of adamantium. Overrider with TESS One attacked America’s Nucleur Command Center and was confronted by Captain America and Wolverine. Both heroes managed to sever the head of TESS One because the joints were not laced with adamantium. The TESS One robot was taken to a military facility in Colorado and Overrider defeated.
At the end Captain America says to Wolverine he would never join a team like the Avengers, because of his behaviors.