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Brave And The Bold Vol. 1 #110


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Batman attends a promotional race for the Miracle-2000 formula, a new pollution-free fuel source being developed by Tryton Corporation. He’s there as a guest of Ted Grant who has made a new living as the company’s spokesman; however, the event is interrupted when a man jumps into the path of the racing cars. Batman pulls him back, and it turns out to be Peter Voss, the son of the late Hans Voss! He claims that the Miracle-2000 formula was stolen from his father’s lost works, and that he will do whatever it takes to stop the commercialization of his father’s formula because his father wanted it to be free to the world. Curious about the accusations, and with the help of Ted’s connections to the company, Batman questions the owner of the Tryton Corp.

Peter Voss sprawls out on the ground, in the path of two speeding vehicles. Batman rescues Voss, who insists his actions were not a suicide attempt, but a protest. With the media gathered, Voss accuses the Tryton Corporation of stealing his dead father’s miracle fuel additive, and passing it off as their own. Tryton Corporation’s Vice President of Public Relations, Ted Grant, calls off the day’s test, and retires to his private jet, with Batman along for the ride. Batman and Grant confront Tryton Corporation’s President, B.B. Sanford, who laughs off Voss’ accusations. Sanford introduces Grant and Batman to Bill Bradshaw, the chemical engineer who claims to have created Tryton Corporation’s Miracle-2000 fuel additive. Bradshaw tows the company line with marketing rhetoric regarding Miracle-2000. Grant is convinced that Tryton Corporation is innocent of any wrongdoing. Batman, however, is not so easily swayed. Bradshaw’s laboratory was ill-equipped to be capable of performing the kind of research Bradshaw asserted led to the discovery of Miracle-2000. That, coupled with Voss’ desperate act at the test site, gives Batman enough cause for further investigation. Interviewing Voss, Batman learns that Voss’ father did, indeed, complete the formula for his fuel additive, before his death. Fearing it would be stolen, the elder Voss encoded the formula in his records, until such time as he could patent his work. The code was deciphered by L.K. Dowling, a brilliant chemist, who briefly worked for Voss. Two months after Dowling left Voss’ employ, Tryton Corporation announced their discovery of Miracle-2000.

Batman begins digging into the Tryton Corporation’s past. At the Bureau of Industrial Espionage, Batman learns that Dowling’s real name is Radek, and that Radek is the country’s top industrial spy. Batman breaks into the records office at Tryton Corporation, searching for evidence linking Radek to Tryton. Just as Batman discovers the evidence he needs to bring the Tryton Corporation down, security forces take him by surprise. After a merciless beating at the hands of the guards, Batman is on the verge of being executed when Grant punches the gunman out. Batman reveals the dirty truth to Grant behind Tryton Corporation’s MIracle-2000. Enraged at being played for a fool, Grant resumes his costumed identity as Wildcat, to help Batman bring the Tryton Corporation to justice. Wildcat follows Sanford, and Tryton Corporation’s Head of Security, Manfredi, to the company’s hunting lodge. The two men have come to kill Radek. Witnessing Manfredi draw on Radek, Wildcat leaps into the room. Manfredi spins and guns Wildcat down, giving Radek time to run. Radek reaches his car, in a hail of gunfire, and speeds off. Wildcat makes his own escape, leaping onto the hood of Radek’s car, as it pulls away. Radek, however, has been shot, and crashes the car into a tree, resulting in Wildcat taking another bullet. Wildcat limps off into the woods and collapses.

Meanwhile, Batman has traveled to Holland, to continue his investigation in the ruins of Voss’ father’s old laboratory. While sifting through the rubble, Batman becomes aware that he is being watched by an elderly gentlemen. Following the old man back to a nearby hospital, Batman learns that he is an amnesiac who lost his memory and identity during World War II. Batman finds the old man holding an exact replica of a sculpture he had seen in Voss’s home. Thousands of miles away, the unconscious form of Wildcat is about to be eaten by his namesake. A local woodsman kills the big cat with an arrow, then tends to Wildcat’s injuries. Three days later, Grant returns to the Tryton Corporation, just in time to go court for the trial of Peter Voss. The case is going badly for Voss, who can offer no proof that his late father actually invented the fuel additive that Tryton Corporation is marketing as Miracle-2000. Suddenly, the Batman arrives with a surprise witness, Voss’ father, Hans Voss. Though Voss has no memory, Batman reveals to the court that an atomic model of Voss’ formula was ingeniously disguised within a sculpture. From the sculpture, Radek was able to discern the chemical formula for the fuel additive, and sell it to the Tryton Corporation. In open court, Grant further accuses Sanford of murdering Radek. Manfredi enters the court room, armed to the teeth, and spirits Sanford out. Stealing a motorcycle, Batman and Grant pursue Sanford and Manfredi. To avoid Manfredi’s gunfire, Grant veers off the main road, to travel cross country. A short cut through an oil refinery still finds the two heroes too far behind to stop Sanford and Manfredi from reaching a private plane. Grant vaults one of the oil refinery structures to close the distance. After Batman disarms Manfredi, Grant beats the two corporate criminals into unconsciousness. The court finds in favor of Hans and Peter Voss, who intend to see to it that Miracle-2000 benefits all of mankind, and not just one greedy corporation.

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