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Aquaman Vol. 5 #27


Aquaman goes to Japan to find Porm’s murderer.

Aquaman, Koryak and Dolphin are following the dolphins as Porm’s body is being taken for the highest burial available in dolphin culture.Aquaman then asks for Dolphin’s aid in his search for justice for his mother’s death deciding to set out after dealing with Triotnis, with Aquaman ordering the citizens of Poseidonis to rebuild the city and serve Iqula however he sees fit with Koryak remaining behind to assist for his part. Aquaman and Dolphin then travel to Japan meeting with the American councilman demanding to meet with the company called Raiden Industries, as there symbol was branded into his mother’s side.

Aquaman then questions the company founder who denies involvement but is found to be lying when Demon Gate arrives revealing his systems allow him to find tagged dolphins. He then reveals he did it all to draw the king their for his vengeance . The two then begin a battle which leads them through the building, until Dolphin knocks him from it incapacitating him. However Aquaman is prevented from killing him by the police’s arrival, and attempted arrest. Ultimately Aquaman seeks the government to turn him over, with them refusing spurring Aquaman to ban them from the oceans and deliver a notice of war with in 24 hours if he is not turned over. Aquaman then calls in a giant squid to destroy a ship to show the government he is serious.

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