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America Vs The Justice Society #3


1 in stock


“HOSTILE WITNESS!” Members of the JSA continue to recount their history and defend their actions, as the congressional committee calls avowed criminal the Wizard to the stand in “Hostile Witness!” Featuring appearances by Hawkman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Superman, Doctor Fate, Dr. Mid-Nite, Starman, Wonder Woman, Sandman, Wildcat, Hourman, the Atom, Johnny Thunder, Helena Wayne (Huntress), Dick Grayson (Robin) and Per Degaton.

  1. Hostile Witness!’” written by Roy and Dann Thomas, consultant by Rich Morrissey, penciled by Howard Bender, inked by Alfredo Alcala, colored by Carl Gafford and lettered by David Cody Weiss.
  2. A Skeleton Key to ‘America vs. the Justice Society’ #3” two page text piece on the inside front and back cover by Roy Thomas.
  3. Back cover is a reprint of the cover to All-Star Comics #5.


  • Most characters have cameo flashback appearances.
  • Page 4 panel 2 features a costumed Doris Lee and Peachy Pet.
  • Page 17 panel 4 features a Daily Bugle newspaper.
  • Page 25 panel 2 features Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen of Earth-2.
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