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Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #251 Newsstand Edition


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“For the first time since he has donned the mantle of the Hobgoblin, the man behind the mask knows fear…” Spider-Man engages in his final duel with the Hobgoblin!


The Hobgoblin and Spider-Man are in a collapsing building untill the Hobgoblin tries to escape in his battle van. As the Hobgoblin drives away he thinks that he has finally defeated the amazing Spider-Man. The Hobgoblin quickly finds that he has a special passenger.Spider-Man’s “spider sense” is still not working. Spider-man breaks into the Hobgoblins battle van completely exhausted. It is almost certain death to face the hobgoblin head on without his Spider Sense. The Hobgoblin sets his battle van to Auto-Pilot so he can fight Spidey. After a huge uppercut to Spidey’s head his Spider sense flashes back on. After fight for a few the battle van crashes into the Hudson River. The water quickly rises until it reaches the control panel. The van is rigged to blow, but Spidey gets out right as it does. Has Spider-man is swimming away he sees the mask of the Hobgoblin floating in the water. When Peter gets back to land he is confronted by a spaceship. (This starts the Secret Wars saga)

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