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Alpha Flight Vol. 1 #074


Alpha Flight finally arrives on Earth, but they soon realize this isn’t the Earth that they call home. Talisman finds a newspaper that declares Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four is the president of the United States and that the residents of New York City are actually scared of superheroes. Vindicator soon learns that her dead husband, James McDonald Hudson, is the Prime Minister of Canada and he is married to Aurora. Alpha Flight is then approached by members of the Avengers and are taken to a secret facility, where Captain America tells them about the past on this planet, where villains took over Russian and many parts of Europe. America, Canada and England voted for superheroes as their leaders and things became paranoid and suspect. Alpha Flight realizes the Avengers will kill them and they fight out of the complex, only to find more superheroes amassed outside. While Alpha Flight is left fighting, Diamond Lil takes on this alternate reality’s Spider-Man and kill him.
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