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All-Star Comics Vol. 2 #69


The JSA is divided, with one group facing off against a group with Commissioner Bruce Wayne behind them.

Helena Wayne aka Huntress makes her debut appearance to the Justice Society of America (JSA). This was released on the exact same day as DC Super Stars Issue #17 which also features the 1st appearance of Helena Wayne. Both are known to be her first appearances.

The Justice Society of America return to their headquarters, only to find Police Commissioner Bruce Wayne, and the Gotham City Police, waiting for them. Wayne has arrest warrants for each member of the team. A heated exchange between Power Girl and Wayne alarms one officer enough to fire on Power Girl. As Power Girl crumples to the ground, the team’s horror quickly turns to rage. The Justice Society of America takes down the Gotham Police force, then hurries Power Girl to a hospital. As soon as the Golden Age Robin and Hourman arrive, Wayne activates the Golden Age Robin’s Justice Society of America signal device. Wayne has set the signal to specifically contact only Star Man, Doctor Mid-Nite, and the Golden Age Wonder Woman. At the hospital, a shadowy figure observes the Justice Society of America, from the surrounding tree line.

With Power Girl receiving the best medical care available, the Justice Society of America head to the Batcave to confront Wayne. They are surprised to see their former comrades allied with Wayne. The Golden Age Wonder Woman attempts to lasso the team, but the Golden Age Green Lantern blocks her lariat of truth. Then, all Hell breaks loose. Starman and the Star-Spangled kid square off against one another. Despite the technological edge the Star-Spangeled Kid’s cosmic converter belt gives him over Starman’s cosmic rod, experience wins the day. Doctor Mid-Nite detonates a blackout bomb, momentarily plunging the Batcave into darkness. The Golden Age Flash disperses the darkness by windmilling his arms. Doctor Mid-NIte, astonishingly, is able to outmaneuver the Golden Age Flash, tricking the speedster into crashing into the Batmobile. The Golden Age Robin’s acrobatic acumen and combat prowess prove more than a match for the Golden Age Hawkman. While Doctor Fate pits his sorcerous might against Hourman’s Miraclo enhanced strength. Attacking the heart of the matter, Wildcat tears into Wayne.

At the hospital, a shadowy figure watches from the window, as Clark Kent comes to visit his cousin, Power Girl. The battle between the Golden Age Green Lantern and the Golden Age Wonder Woman erupts out of the Batcave, and onto the grounds of stately Wayne Manor. Wildcat beats down Wayne, only to be tackled by the Golden Age Robin. Back and forth the two Justice Society of America teams battle. Finally, the fighting comes to an end, with the arrival of the Golden Age Superman, with the still injured Power Girl, who orders them to stand down. Power Girl reveals that Wayne is under the influence of the Psycho Pirate. Doctor Fate breaks the Psycho Pirate’s hold over Wayne’s mind. Wayne collapses, sobbing, and begs forgiveness for his actions. Watching from the shadows, the Huntress prepares to make her debut.

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