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Action Comics Vol. 1 #468


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Cover by Neal Adams.

“Terra-Man at Nine O’Clock!” (Superman) written by Cary Bates, penciled by Curt Swan and inked by Tex Blaisdell. Superman vs Terra Man and viewers can watch it on TV!

“Daily Planet” Volume 76 Issue 31 the week of November 29, 1976 edited by Bob Rozakis and lettered by Typeset. Featuring Richard Dragon battling a student of the immortal Bruce Lee. Plus Lola Barnett’s Comicsworld.

    “My Son, the Orphan!” A (Close-Up: Morgan Edge) story written by Martin Pasko, penciled by Curt Swan and inked by Frank McLaughlin. A brief origin of Morgan Edge.


This issue contains the Hostess Superhero Ad, Wonder Woman and Cup Cakes in “The Maltese Cup Cake”.

    King Kong only appears on television.

    It was revealed in “My Son, the Orphan!” that Morgan Edge’s real name is Morris Edelstein.

The first appearance of the DC Bullet logo.

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