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Action Comics Vol. 1 #290


1 in stock


  1. Half A Superman! (Superman)
  2. Shorty
  3. Varsity Vic
  4. Supergirl’s Super Boy-Friends! (Supergirl).

Cover: Superman is half pink, showing his weakened side. Lois points out for him what to do, not realizing his half weakness. How can he still hold that bridge and handle that live wire?

By Popular Demand! Another All Red Kryptonite Issue! Featuring Half a Superman! : Superman, Keep Holding Up That Falling Bridge With Your Right Hand, But Use Your left Hand to Get Rid of That Dangerous Live Wire! What Can I Do? Red Kryptonite Has Affected Me So That One Half of Me Has Become Ordinary! My Right Side Is Still Super, But My Entire Left Side Is Still Vulnerable! If I Touch That Wire, Its 20,000 Volts Will Kill Me!

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