“THE JUVENILE DELINQUENTS FROM SPACE!” Two boys from the faraway world Alpha Centauri cause trouble for the planet Earth and Superman with their super-scientific technology! “THE MENACE OF SUPERGIRL’S MOTHER!” Edna Danvers’ continuing grief over her separation from Supergirl, and her resentment of Zor-El and Alura, is spurred to its limits!
- “The Juvenile Delinquents from Space!” written by Leo Dorfman, penciled and inked by Jim Mooney. (Superman, Lois Lane) Reprinted in Limited Collectors’ Edition #38.
- “The Origin of Super-Horse” A 1/3 text piece on the origin of Comet the Superhorse.
- “The Menace of Supergirl’s Mother!” written by Leo Dorfman, penciled and inked by Jim Mooney. (Supergirl) Reprinted in Showcase Presents: Supergirl #2.
Note: Supergirl’s Fortress of Solitude appears.