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Action Comics Vol. 1 #315


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“THE JUVENILE DELINQUENTS FROM SPACE!” Two boys from the faraway world Alpha Centauri cause trouble for the planet Earth and Superman with their super-scientific technology! “THE MENACE OF SUPERGIRL’S MOTHER!” Edna Danvers’ continuing grief over her separation from Supergirl, and her resentment of Zor-El and Alura, is spurred to its limits!

  1. The Juvenile Delinquents from Space!” written by Leo Dorfman, penciled and inked by Jim Mooney. (Superman, Lois Lane) Reprinted in Limited Collectors’ Edition #38.
  2. The Origin of Super-Horse” A 1/3 text piece on the origin of Comet the Superhorse.
  3. The Menace of Supergirl’s Mother!” written by Leo Dorfman, penciled and inked by Jim Mooney. (Supergirl) Reprinted in Showcase Presents: Supergirl #2.

Note: Supergirl’s Fortress of Solitude appears.

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