Who Put The Zing In The Flash?
On his way home, the Flash deposits two members of the Zinger Gang in jail. Twelve hours later, the Flash, as police forensics scientist, Barry Allen, is demonstrating some simple science experiments to a young boy, Jimmy. When one of Allen’s chemical tricks goes awry, Allen notices a strange trail of radiation, leading away from the laboratory. Allen investigates, as the Flash. Trailing a little too closely to the radiation trail, the Flash is suddenly caught in the beam, and carried across town. Unable to escape from the radiation beam, the Flash is rendered unconscious, when he slams into the outer wall of the Central National Bank.
Upon recovery, the Flash realizes that the radiation beam followed the self same trail he left the night before, when he carried the Zinger Gang members from the bank to police headquarters. The Flash heads back to the laboratory to do some further research on the Zinger gang’s signature weapon, the Zinger. After the Zinger Gang pulls off another robbery, the Flash spends the day crisscrossing the entirety of Central City. Twelve hours after the robbery was committed, the Flash sees another radiation trail emanating from his home. Multiple trails form across Central City, as the Zinger radiation interacts with the Flash’s residual super-speed vibrations.
The entire city becomes gridded by the Zinger radiation, allowing the Flash to attune his vibratory rate to the trail that will lead him back to the Zinger Gang. The Flash is drawn to Rosario Jewelers, where he encounters the Zinger Gang, mid-robbery. The Flash quickly takes down the entire gang. The Flash, as Allen, shows Jimmy another chemical experiment in the laboratory. Once again, an inexplicable effect occurs during Allen’s experiment. Realizing the Zinger radiation is not the cause, Allen realizes that something else is afoot.
“Perilous Plan Of The Plant-Master!”
The Green Lantern is taking his alien companion, Itty, on a tour of Northwestern California. Suddenly, two redwoods launch themselves into the air in front of them. As the Green Lantern moves in to corral the two trees, they divest themselves of their leaves, blinding the Green Lantern. Alerted to incoming peril by Itty, the Green Lantern saws the trees, then pulps them into paper. After recharging his ring, the Green Lantern is assaulted by choking vines. Utilizing it’s alien senses, Itty tracks the trouble back to a hidden, underground laboratory.
There Itty encounters Jason Woodrue, the self-styled Plant-Master. Itty observes while Woodrue downs a serum that transforms him from animal to vegetable. Now calling himself “The Floronic Man”, Woodrue decides to test his newly born power to control the plant kingdom. The Floronic Man opens with a whirlwind barrage of seeds, to buffet the Green Lantern. The Green Lantern collects the seeds in a power-ringed construct, and sows them into the ground. Itty makes contact with the Green Lantern, but the Emerald Gladiator fails to heed the tiny alien’s warning. With the Green Lantern distracted, the Floronic Man closes in for the kill.
- This issue contains the Hostess Superhero Ad, Aquaman in “Twinkies and Kelp“